Inclement Video is a project designed to keep myself perpetually in the process of image gathering. I will try to write something about each video but can't promise this entirely.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm back. And I've figured out how I'm going to make this thing work. Not only was I getting frustrated with the uploading process, I have to say I was also lamenting my chosen project idea. 1 minute of footage a day was a lot harder than it sounded. Not because it wasn't possible, but more so because it was limiting. I found myself trying to make finished works that were a minute long which was really not what the idea was about. It was supposed to be about gathering materials and always shooting footage. As I soon found out, that tended to feel more like a waste of time and resources when there was no foreseeable outcome. And so, I was try to complete ideas or thoughts or investigations in under a minute, and every day. It was exhausting in many ways- and while I'd like to think this was the only creative project I have going on, I find it's more of the third or fourth. So I've scaled it back a bit and maneuvered things to feel more rewarding for myself (and hopefully anyone else that sees these videos). On Mondays I'll roll a die to determine the length of the week's video (1-6minutes). On Sunday, I'll upload the finished product. This way, times will vary and so I can use/play with that aspect, and I won't be driving myself crazy everyday trying to finish things for the sake of finishing.
I started back up this week and rolled a four on Monday.
die small
see you on Sunday...

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