Inclement Video is a project designed to keep myself perpetually in the process of image gathering. I will try to write something about each video but can't promise this entirely.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

6.19.11 Anoxia

This video is roughly an hour and a half of video condensed into 3 minutes. There's a little more than three hours of actual footage which I wanted to use all of but my computer could only fit so much at once. As with so many times before, for some reason shooting onto VHS added an extra element to this piece that I'm convinced wouldn't have been there in HD, and really the image processor of this particular camera was doing its own thing anyway... love that camera.
I read an article about the nuclear leakage from the Fukushima plant and just how long and dangerous a ride we're all on. I've also read a lot recently about the dying off of species in the world's oceans. Time is the trickiest of natural elements. Clouds seem gentle; the wind gentle. If we could speed up time we'd be able to see the wind's graceful menacing. If we could stand back and look at ourselves over the long haul, how would our movements look? As individuals? As a whole?

Anoxia from Hettie Kauffman on Vimeo.

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